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our free oracle readings


iconNow with reversed card option! The simplest tarot reading is the One Card Oracle. This card is drawn while concentrating on the issue at hand, and is intended to give you information needed of the moment. The One Card oracle can also be used as a daily meditation. Choose this reading.


iconAs it says: the Yes/No Oracle is a simple one card reading for all of your most pressing "yes or no" questions. Perfect for when you're short on time, and need to cut to the chase. Choose this reading.

iconThe When Will It Happen oracle is a one card reading offering guidance for when something may occur, if things continue as they have been. (Remember, the future is fluid—so are your choices!) Choose this reading.


The Runes Oracle is a simple but powerful oracle drawn from Norse wisdom of old. The rune is drawn while concentrating on the issue at hand to grant you guidance and insight. Like the One Card oracle, the Rune Oracle can also be used as a daily meditation. Choose this reading.

Bibliomancy is an divination tool utilizing a randomly chosen passage from a book—the ultimate expression of words-as-wisdom. To inspire and empower you, we've gathered a hundred of our favorite quotes from our favorite books for this oracle. Choose this reading.

The Goddess Inspiration Oracle presents the wisdom of eighty goddesses from around the globe, ranging from the Greek goddess of wisdom Athena to the Zorya, a trio of Slavic solar goddesses. Choose this reading.

The Sacred World Oracle celebrates the beauty and diversity of the earth, utilizing myth, folklore, and nature to offer wisdom and guidance. It's comprised of 44 oracle cards organized by earth, air, fire, and water, with each element associated with ten different animals. Choose this reading.