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one card oracle

The simplest tarot reading is the One Card Oracle. This card is drawn while concentrating on the issue at hand, and is intended to give you information needed of the moment. The One Card Oracle can also be used as a daily meditation.

Decks available for this reading: The Rider Waite Tarot, Goddess Tarot, Lover's Path Tarot, Tarot of Marseilles, Goddess Inspiration Oracle, Sacred World Oracle, and Rune Oracle.

choose a deck for your reading:

The Rider Waite Tarot

Upright and reversed card options.
Created by Pamela Coleman and A. E. Waite. The most popular tarot deck in the world. Good for general inquiries.

Get a free one card oracle reading with the Rider Waite Tarot

Get a free one card oracle reading with the Goddess Tarot

The Tarot of Marseilles

The Tarot of Marseilles is one of the earliest tarot decks in existence and bears much similarity in structure to the Rider Waite Tarot. Major Arcana cards only.


Get a free one card oracle reading with the Goddess Tarot

The Goddess Tarot

Upright and reversed card options.
Featuring 22 goddesses ranging from Venus to Sarasvati, with a special emphasis on personal empowerment and creative fulfillment.


get a free one card tarot oracle reading with the Lover's Path Tarot

The Lover's Path Tarot

Features famed and mythic lovers in a romantic Renaissance style. For affairs of the heart or relationship issues.


Get a free one card oracle reading with the Goddess Inspiration Oracle

Rune Oracle

A simple but powerful divination system drawn from Norse wisdom and mythology.


Get a free one card oracle reading with the Goddess Inspiration Oracle

Goddess Inspiration Oracle

Presents the wisdom of eighty goddesses from around the globe, ranging from the Greek goddess of wisdom Athena to the Zorya, a trio of Slavic solar goddesses.


Get a free one card oracle reading with the Sacred World Oracle

Sacred World Oracle

Celebrates the beauty and diversity of the earth, utilizing myth, folklore, and nature. It's comprised of 44 oracle cards organized by earth, air, fire, and water, with each element associated with ten different animals.