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Lover's Path Tarot Reading

The Lover's Path is intended for times when a romantic relationship requires deep examination. This tarot reading studies the relationship on four levels, mirroring the elemental forces of water, fire, air, and earth. It's intended to provide a complex picture of the relationship of that moment.

Here is your reading, <%Name%>.

Your question: <%Question%>

Click on the card to turn it over.

Card 1 symbolizes Partner 1's emotional needs in the relationship:

Overview Card

Card 2 symbolizes Partner 2's emotional needs:

Postives Card

Card 3 represents Partner 1's way of creating change in the relationship:

Negatives Card

Card 4 represents Partner 2's way of creating change:

Positives Card

Card 5 represents Partner 1's intellectual needs and communication style when it comes to love:

Positives Card

Card 6 represents Partner 2's intellectual needs and communication style:

Positives Card

Card 7 represents Partner 1's sensual and romantic needs in the relationship:

Positives Card

Card 8 represents Partner 2's sensual and romantic needs:

Positives Card

Card 9 sums up the emotional issues to be faced in your relationship:

Positives Card

Card 10 reveals goals to be strived for in the relationship:

Positives Card

Card 11 reveals the wisdom gained by loving each other:

Positives Card

Card 12 suggests ways you can invite joy into your romantic life:

Positives Card

Finally, Card 13 presents an overall theme for your love relationship:

Negatives Card

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