Celtic Cross tarot reading

Perhaps because of its versatile ability to cover several aspects of a situation in depth, the Celtic Cross is a staple of tarot readings. It features six cards in a distinct cross pattern, with an additional four cards along the side.

Here is your Goddess Tarot reading, <%Name%>.

Your question: <%Question%>

Click on the card to turn it over.

Card 1 symbolizes your situation:


Overview Card


Card 2 is what is crossing the situation for better or for worse:


Postives Card


Card 3 is the foundation of the issue:


Negatives Card



Card 4 represents the past, or influences that are now passing away:


Positives Card


Card 5 is what is on your mind at this time:


Positives Card


Card 6 suggests the near future, or influences now coming into play:


Positives Card


Card 7 is how you see the situation and how it affects you:


Positives Card


Card 8 represents how others view you in this situation; ways they help or hinder:


Positives Card


Card 9 symbolizes your hopes or fears:


Positives Card


Card 10 suggests an overview:


Negatives Card


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