burning question reading

The Burning Question is for those times when you have a question that needs to be immediately answered—a burning question, if you will. A card symbolizing the question is placed at the center of the spread with the remaining six cards placed around it, suggesting the shape of a flame as it clings onto an object.

Here is your Lover's Path Tarot reading, <%Name%>.

Your question: <%Question%>

Click on the card to turn it over.

Card 1 symbolizes your question:


Overview Card


Card 2 represents obstacles or supporting influences:


Postives Card


Cards 3 and 4 presents your hopes and fears in reference to your question:


Negatives Card



Positives Card



Cards 5 and 6 offers additional information to be considered:


Positives Card



Positives Card


Card 7 suggests an overview:


Negatives Card


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